Versions Compared


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  1. Log into Prometheus login node

    Code Block
    titleLog into Prometheus login node
    ssh <login>

  2. Load pro-viz module 

    Code Block
    titleLoad pro-viz module
    module load tools/pro-viz

  3. Start pro-viz job
    1. Submit pro-viz job to qeuue

      1. CPU-only job

        Code Block
        titleSubmission of CPU pro-viz job
        pro-viz start -N <number-of-nodes> -P <cores-per-node> -p <partition/queue> -t <maximal-time> -m <memory>

      2. GPU job

        Code Block
        titleSubmission of GPU pro-viz job
        pro-viz start -N <number-of-nodes> -P <cores-per-node> -g <number-of-gpus-per-node> -p <partition/queue> -t <maximal-time> -m <memory>

    2. Check status of submitted job

      Code Block
      titleStatus of pro-viz job(s)
      pro-viz list

    3. Get password to pro-viz session (when job is already running)\

      Code Block
      titlePro-viz job password
      pro-viz password <JobID>

      exemple output

      Code Block
      titlePro-viz password example output
      Web Access link:<hash>&token=<token> 
      link is valid until: Sun Nov 14 02:04:02 CET 2021
      session password (for external client): <password>
      full commandline (for external client): vncviewer -SecurityTypes=VNC,UnixLogin,None -via <username> -password=<password> <worker-node>:<display>

    4. Connect to graphical pro-viz session
      1. you could use weblink obtained in previous point
      2. you could use VNC client (i.e. TurboVNC). Configuration of client described in Obliczenia w trybie graficznym: pro-viz (in polish)
  4. Setup Relion environment
    1. When connected to GUI open Terminal and load Relion module 

      Code Block
      titleLoad Relion module
      module load plgrid/tools/relion

    2. Start Relion GUI in background

      Code Block
      titleStart relion
      relion &

  5. Use Relion GUI for computation. 

Relion in SLURM batch jobs

Most of Relion jobs could be run as batch jobs using SLURM

  1. Example CPU-only SLURM script

    Code Block
    titleRelion CPU-only SLURM script
    # Number of allocated nodes
    #SBATCH --nodes=1
    # Number of MPI processes per node 
    #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
    # Number of threads per MPI process
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=6
    # Partition
    #SBATCH --partition=plgrid
    # Requested maximal walltime
    #SBATCH --time=0-1
    # Requested memory per node
    #SBATCH --mem=110GB
    # Computational grant
    #SBATCH --account=<name-of-grant>
    module load plgrid/tools/relion/3.1.2
    mpirun <relion-command>

  2. Example GPU SLURM script