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Once your application is created, you will probably want to manage the files (scripts) responsible for execution of the analysis you want to perform. This may be done in several ways, depending on the complexity of your software and on your command of the GIT version control system. 

Where to look for the application files?

Once you create your own application, it is stored in a repository within the Application Workbench. All your repositories (applications) are listed at the start page of Application Workbench when you log in (if you do not have the Application Workbench account yet, please consult this guide). A sample view is shown on Figure 1 - the right panel contains a list of repositories containing your applications or applications shared with you by other users - one of such repositories is marked in the figure. The first part (here: tcs-test-user) of the repository name is the username (yours or the user who shared the repository with you), the second part (here: TestApp) is the application name. The central panel of the page is a list of activities related to these applications - e.g. the latest modifications.

Figure 1. View of the Application Workbench start page, with repository containing TestApp application marked

If you are in the EPISODES Platform, you can access directly the code of one of your applications from the My Apps page, by choosing the Code repository link (see Figure 2). This is equivalent to following the repository link from Figure 1.


Figure 2. View of the My Apps page within the EPISODES Platform.


Editing files through Application Workbench Web interface

The Application Workbench provides you with a Web interface allowing for simple file edition and controlling the modification history. Though the interface provide syntax highlighting and other features that facilitate programming, it is still a simple text editor, therefore, if your application requires advanced programming constructions or uses many files, it is recommended to edit its files on your computer and publish the changes to the repository from there (this mode of edition is described in Editing files from your own computer section). In this way, you will be able to use your favorite IDE (Integrated Development Environment), e.g., MATLAB Workbench and to publish changes to multiple files at once. Naturally, the same effect can be reached using the Web interface, however, it might be less comfortable in the aforementioned cases.

Contents of the application's repository

Once you enter the repository containing your application, a page containing its main directory will be displayed (Figure 3). If you used the EPISODE Platform's wizard for creating the application, the repository will be already populated with files automatically generated by the Platform - the files are represented by rows in the central part of the page, with the file name on the left (marked with (1) in Figure 3) and the comment explaining the last modification and date of this modification displayed on the right (marked with (2) in Figure 3). Note, that if you created the application repository manually, the repository will be empty or it will contain only a or licence license file (depending on your chosen settings), but it will not contain the configuration and execution files required by the EPISODES Platform to use the application - you will have to add them manually. AddAdding a file is possible using the New file or Upload file button (marked with (3) in Figure 3). Choosing the New file button will result in the system showing an edit page (as in case of editing a file - see Figure 5 and further paragraphs). Note, that it is not possible to create a directory from in this view, the only way to create way, a directory can be created only implicitly by editing a file name (see the next subsection) or by creating a nested directory structure inside your application is to edit the structure on your computer (see this sectionon your computer and publishing it to the repository (see Editing files from your own computer section).

To access the application's repository settings (e.g. add collaborators, that will be able to see/edit your application), use the Settings button (marked with (4) in Figure 3).

Figure 3. Main view of the repository containing the TestApp files, with most important elements marked

When entering any of the files (by clicking the file name - (1) in Figure 3), a view similar to Figure 4 is displayed, showing the file contents and controls. In case of entering a directory, the contents of the directory (files) are displayed similarly to the file listing shown in Figure 3. The pencil icon (marked with (1) in Figure 4) enables editing the file (see Figure 5), the trash icon (marked with (2) in Figure 4) allows for deleting the file, and the button History shows the history of modifications of the file.

Image Modified

Figure 4. View of chosen file contents. Here: the file app_script.m from the TestApp application

Editing files through Application Workbench Web interface


Image Added

Figure 5. TODO

Image Added

Figure 6. TODO



files from your own computer

TODO: widok historii modyfikacji pliku

TODO: edycja poprzez interfejs GiteiThis mode is especially recommended when editing multiple files at once, or creating a nested directory structure inside the application.

TODO: edycja na własnym komputerze z użyciem poleceń Git-a (najlepiej link do jakiegoś podręcznika git-a, lub ew. tylko podstawowe polecenia, IDE)

TODO: edycja musi być skorelowana z edycją appDefinition.json

Even when editing files locally, it is advisable to check the effect of the changes in the Application Workbench Web interface (see the previous section), and, even complement the local modifications with small edits performed through that interface.

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