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With the EPOS AI platform, the users gained access to tools enabling <TODO>. These features were developed within EPOS PL+, Polish national project co-financed from European Regional Development Fund.

Platform for running and training AI models for Seismology

add short description of the purpose of the platform

Running AI models

On Episodes Platform

write a simple guide

On user local machines or HPC clusters

The AI tools are available as an ordinary Python packages. We recommend for installation to use Anaconda or Mambaforge, but it should be possible to use any other Python installations or distributions.

Mambaforge installation

Mambaforge is a Python distribution based on Conda. This is a preferred way to run scripts and notebooks distributed on our Platform. It is possible to install and run on other python distributions, but we provide support only for Mambaforge/Anaconda.

The installation starts with downloading the Mambaforge binary from the official project site for your platform. Then follow the instructions in the official guide.

We prepared a Conda environment with all the AI tools installed. To create the environment please:

  1. Download the epos-ai-tools.yml from our repository.
  2. If necessary activate the Mambaforge environment.
  3. Run the installation

    Code Block
    mamba env create -f epos-ai-tools.yml

  4. Then to activate the environment it is necessary to run for each new shell session:

    Code Block
    conda activate epos-ai-tools

    To check if you have enabled the environment correctly you should see the name of the environment in the shell prompt.

Available Tools

The installation comes with the following applications:

and official packages such as:

  • Seisbench - an open-source python toolbox for machine learning in seismology,
  • ObsPy - an open-source project dedicated to provide a Python framework for processing seismological data,
  • Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab - a web services for interactive computing,
  • IPython - a powerful interactive shell,
  • PyTorch - an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs

Tools for picking P and S waves


On HPC cluster - SLURM Job


Training AI models

Our Platform supports the user with training their own weights for predefined models and even to create their own models. In the first case this could help to improve the quality of the model by training in on data coming from a particular seismic networks (see e.g. Johnson et al. 2021).

To start with training we recommend to use the our HPC clusters which provide enough computing power and access to GPU. The prerequisites are following:

  1. Active account on PLGrid Portal. To create an account see the official guide available in English and Polish.
  2. Computing grant on PLGrid Infrastructure. The resources needed for training are highly depended on the size of a training dataset. For a dataset of about 104 samples a single training session lasts about 10 minutes on a single GPU for models like GPD or PhaseNet. Please keep in mind that fine tuning of the model hyper-parameters usually requires tu run training sessions multiple times. Therefore applying for a grant, please use this numbers only as a starting point.
    We recommend to apply for resources on a cluster Athena or Ares, but it is possible to run the training on other clusters as well. Please apply for the CPU and GPU computing time, as the GPU significantly accelerates the training process.
  3. Mambaforge installation. Please follow the above instruction.
  4. Environment for training AI models. Please install the epos-ai-train environment, by downloading epos-ai-train.yml and running:

    Code Block
    mamba env create -f epos-ai-train.yml

  5. Activate the environment it. is necessary to run for each new shell session:

    Code Block
    conda activate epos-ai-train

    To check if you have enabled the environment correctly you should see the name of the environment in the shell prompt.

Available Tools

  • Seisbench - an open-source python toolbox for machine learning in seismology,
  • Weight & Biases SDK - a library to track experiments, version and iterate on datasets, evaluate model performance, reproduce models, and manage your ML workflows end-to-end,
  • ObsPy - an open-source project dedicated to provide a Python framework for processing seismological data,
  • Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab - a web services for interactive computing,
  • IPython - a powerful interactive shell,
  • PyTorch - an optimized tensor library for deep learning using GPUs and CPUs,
  • CUDA - provides a development environment for creating high performance GPU-accelerated applications, a backend library for PyTorch

Weights & Biases

Weights & Biases is the machine learning platform for developers to build better models faster. Use W&B's lightweight, interoperable tools to quickly track experiments, version and iterate on datasets, evaluate model performance, reproduce models, visualize results and spot regressions, and share findings with colleagues. The main features are:

  • Track, compare, and visualize your ML models,
  • Scalable, customizable hyperparameter search and optimization,
  • Visualize and compare every experiment,
  • Quickly find and re-run previous model checkpoints,
  • Model registry and lifecycle management,
  • Lightweight dataset and model versioning,
  • Collaborative Reporting.

The Weights & Biases consists of two components: web-based platform on and a public Python package wandb. The wandb Python library API calls serve to integrate an ML application, facilitating model performance tracking and sending metrics to a central platform. With web interface of this platform, one can then visualize and compare the model results.


The development of the EPOS AI platform and its integration with the EPISODES Platform was partially funded by the EPOS-PL+ project (No POIR.04.02.00-00-C005/19-00), co-financed by the European Union from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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