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Once the service has been selected the User is requested to select options and fulfill some fields with parameter values needed for the TDSH analysis. First of all he/she needs to select the proper seismicity catalog from the workspace, by clicking on the "Change input" tab of the "Using eismic seismic Catalog" field, shown in the red box in Figure 2. The other parameters that have to be set are (also shown in Figure 2):


Mmin: The User now is requested to chose the minimum magnitude (completeness level of the catalog). This can be done in two ways. The first is to type a single magnitude value in the empty box, possibly after he/she has performed an individual analysis (see MCE service). The second is to graphically select the minimum magnitude from the Normal or the Cumulative histograms, which are available after clicking on the respective tabs. In both cases there is option to alter the step of the histogram's bars and to select between linear and logarithmic Y-axis for the plotting.

Time range: The user User may further filter the selected dataset by defining the starting and ending data of the period that he/she wishes to study. A calendar appears on the screen after clicking in the empty boxes next to "Start" and "End" fields (Figure 2). Note that this selection is optional. If no dates are entered, the entire dataset remains for the analysis.

Margin along front side strike [ m]:m  ]: The distance (margin) along the front strike is requested in this field. This distance is equal for both directions of the front strike. Events will be spatially constrained by this margin together with the Distance along the front advance" (see field below).

Distance along the front advance [ m ]: The distance along the front advance is requested in this field. This distance is equal for both sides of the front (i.e. in front of and behind the front). Events will be spatially constrained by this margin together with the "Margin along the front strike" (see field above).

Time unit: There are 3 options for this parameter, which are shown after clicking on the small arrow in the box: Day, Month, Year. The time unit will be stored and all the calculations hereinafter will be performed according to this unit.


Time window step (days): In this field the User selects the time window step, i.e. the number of days between the starting dates of subsequent datasets (see figure 4 3 for details).

Magnitude: Magnitude for which the TDSH parameters will be calculated.

Method of creating windows: Two Three options are available at this field after clicking on the small arrow of the tab: "TIME", "EVENTS" and "EVENTS". "FRONT" (see "Time window size" field below for details).  

Time window size: Size (span) of the windows containing data for the analysis. If "TIME" is selected, the given value value  corresponds to the duration of each dataset, in days. If "EVENTS" is selected instead, the given value corresponds to the number of events that each dataset contains (see figure 4 3 for details). Time window size: Size (span) of the windows containing data for the analysis (see below for details)Finally, if the "FRONT" mode is selected, the given value corresponds to the meters of front advance, i.e. a subsequent time window start at the time when the front advance is moved as much (in meters) as this value indicates from the position it was in the beginning of the previous time window. Therefore, in this case, none the number of events neither the time range will be equal in the datasets.

After selecting all the parameters needed the User may click on the run button (blue tab - figure 2), for the calculation process to be initiated.

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