Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Chose line date: The User may select a date among the ones given in the list, corresponding to specified positions of the mining front. The User can click on "Show front positions" tab (Figure 4), to obtain a view of these locations and choose one of the for the impending analysis.
  • Select Magnitude column: The user may click on the small arrow in the respective tab (Figure 4) in order to chose among different magnitude scales, in the cases where they are available (e.g. ML, Mw, etc).
  • Mmin:The User is now requested to chose the minimum magnitude (completeness level of the catalog). This can be done in two ways. The first is to type a single magnitude value in the empty box, possibly after he/she has performed an individual analysis (see MCE service). The second is to graphically select the minimum magnitude from the Normal or the Cumulative histograms, which are available after clicking on the respective tabs. In both cases there is option to alter the step of the histogram's bars and to select between linear and logarithmic scale of the Y-axis for the plotting.
  • Margin along front strike [m]: The distance (margin) along the front strike is requested in this field. This distance is equal for both directions of the front strike. Events will be spatially constrained by this margin together with the Distance along the front advance" (see field below).

  • Distance along the front advance [m]: The distance along the front advance is requested in this field. This distance is equal for both sides of the front (i.e. in front of and behind the front). Events will be spatially constrained by this margin together with the "Margin along the front strike" (see field above).

Once the parameters are set, the User may click on the "Run" button (blue button at the bottom of Figure 4) and the system produces the results of visualization, as shown in Figure 5.


Image Added


RESULTS: (to be completed system failed)


  •  Waveform Viewer Guide: Waveform viewer is a seismic waveform processing tool. The User may observe, interact and elaborate waveforms corresponding to signals recorded by seismic stations and perform various actions such as phase determination and point picking. These pickings are saved by the system and can be further used in waveform-based services such as Spectral Analysis, Source Localization and Moment Tensor Inversion. The options provided by the waveform viewer are described in Figure 5:
    When clicking on one waveform, additional options appear.The user selects the component(s) that he/she wishes to be displayed in the screen. East-West, North-South, Vertical.


  1. The user selects the component(s) that he/she wishes to be displayed in the screen. East-West, North-South, Vertical.
  2. Horizontal zooming in-out.
  3. Vertical zooming in-out.
  4. Undo all zooming.
  5. Select between phase (start and end point) picking and single point picking.
  6. Only P-wave is enabled in this Application. (In other Applications, selection between P-wave and S-wave picking are possible, see "Waveform viewer guide" in "Visualization" chapter).
  7. Undo picking.
  8. Horizontal zooming tool. The User may alternatively zoom in-out the waveform by clicking on this small vertical bar and move the mouse left-right. The User may also click and drag the selected (shaded) part of the waveform left and right.
  9. Collapse the details of the waveform.
  10. Move the selected (zoomed) part of the waveform left-right.
