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The following files are necessary in order to perform the moment tensor inversion, as shown in Figure 1:

  1. Using seed. Seed Waveform. The User selects a Seed file from the Episode database, uploaded once the seismic event is selected (see 2. bellow)or after applying the ‘Signal Download Tool’ (Figure 2, see “Low Level Services” chapter).
  2. Using Seismic Event. Seismic event selected from the Episode catalog after applying successively "Actions", "Use in simple component" and "Event Chooser", as shown in Figure 2. Alternatively, the User may upload the respective seed file, once he/she has already selected an event from the catalog by the "Event Chooser" service.The User has just to click on the "Event Chooser", then on "Seismic Event" (shown in the green panel at the left bottom of Figure A1) and then select "Actions", "Use in simple component" and "SeedSearch" (steps indicated in the red boxes, Figure A1).  After this process a simple click on the "Run" that will appear on the screen will upload the appropriate seed file, associated with the previously selected seismic event.The User select a seismic event which has been downloaded after applying the ‘Signal Download Tool’ (Figure 2, see “Low Level Services” chapter).
  3. Using Ray Tracing Angles. Ray tracing angles table uploaded from the selected Episode database Using Velocity Model. Velocity model uploaded from the Geological data of the selected Episode (see "AH Episodes" chapter).

Now, all data needed is available for the FOCI application.

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Figure 1.

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Figure 2.Image Removed

Figure A1

Once all these files are selected, a map appears on the screen showing the epicenter of the selected event (red circle) and the locations of the seismic stations comprising the regional network (green triangles), as demonstrated in figure 3. Information on the event and the stations appears on the screen, after clicking on the circle or the triangles, respectively. Moreover, the waveforms are also shown in the screen and are available for elaboration (see also Waveform viewer guide" in "Visualization" chapter). As depicted in Figure 3, only the vertical channels are shown by default, since the methodology applied in this service uses only P-waves. Nevertheless, the User can make all the channels appear on the window, by ticking the "E" and "N" components, next to the "Show channels" field, just below the map in Figure 3. 


Custom event depth [km]: The depth of the event is already taken from the catalog, however the User has here the chance to modify the given value, or retry the process with different depths.

Output file name: The User may select the name of the files that are going to be saved after the inversion process.

Density [kg/m3]: The density of the medium is requested by the user.

Select Output data elements and their order: All options are described next to the boxes. The User may tick any of them he/she wishes, or select all of them by ticking the box indicated by red color in Figure 6. Select Output solution types: All options are described next to the boxes. The User may tick any of them he/she wishes, or select all of them by putting a tick in the box indicated by green color in Figure 6.

Advanced Options: (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)

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Figure 6.

When the picking and the parameter selection is over, the User shall click on "RUN" (blue button, bottom of Figure 6) to initiate the Moment Tensor Inversion.
