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Two input files needed for running this AplicationApplication. The seismic events catalog and the mining front advance files, both available in the AH Episodes (See "AH Episodes" chapter). Once these files are uploaded to the personal workspace, the User may load them into the TDSH (mining front) application, by clicking on the 'Actions' tab and then select consecutively, 'USE IN APPLICATION' and 'Hazard in mining front surroundings', as shown in Figure 1. 

Figure 1. Selection of mining front advance for the application

After the service has been selected the User is requested to select options and fulfill some fields with parameter values needed for the TDSH analysis. First of all, he/she needs to select the proper seismicity catalog from the workspace, by clicking on the 'Change file' tab of the 'Using seismic Catalog' field, shown in the red box in Figure 2. The other parameters that have to be set are (also shown in Figure 2): 


Figure 2. Input parameters and files for the application

Select Magnitude column: The user may click on the small arrow in the respective tab in order to chose among different magnitude scales, in the cases where they are available (e.g. ML, Mw, etc.).


Period length (for exceedance probability): Duration of time period for which exceedance probability will be estimated for the magnitude specified above.

Figure 3.Data windows determination: The time window step is set to 5 days in both cases. Notice that the each starting date has 5 days difference from the previous one. Left frame: Parameters set are 'Time window size' equal to 100 days and 'Method of creating windows' selected to be 'TIME'. In this case the number of events differs in each dataset, but the time range (difference between ending and starting dates) is 100 days for all the datasets. Right frame: Parameters set are 'Time window size' equal to 75 (events) and 'Method of creating windows' selected to be 'EVENTS'. In this case the number of events the same in all dataset and equal to 100, but the time range (difference between ending and starting dates) is different for each dataset. However, when 'FRONT' is selected (not shown here), nor the number of events neither the time range will be equal in the datasets.


After selecting all the parameters needed the User may click on the run button (blue tab - Figure 2), for the calculation process to be initiated. The results of the process include:


NOTE that figure have enabled the zoom option, the scatter/line.spline chart type and linear/logarithmic scale of the Y-axis option.

Figure 4. Outputs of the application

Figure 5. Output graph of Mean Activity Rate

Figure 6. Output graph of hazard parameter: Mean Activity Rate

Figure 7. Output graph of hazard parameter: Exceedance Probability