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In addition to the main windows, the program also has additional views in the form of three types of windows, they appear in every program configuration, but they can be hidden:

Table of Contents

These windows can be launched by selecting in the menu View items, then Show zoom, Show elaboration window, Show reports window, or by selecting the appropriate function key (F3, F2, F1 - as noted above).

When you start the program for the first time, you can set the view and layout of these windows on the screen, thanks to which the view will be saved as the default and will be used during subsequent program starts.

Zoom window (F3)

The zoom window (Fig. 1) supports the actions on the seismogram in the main window of the program. In the zoom window, an enlarged and stretched seismogram appears after selecting a seismic trace in the main window (highlighted in blue - the main window) or when a seismic phase is picked on a seismogram in the main window (see Picking phases). This allows you to see the details of a specific route or routes unnoticeable in the main window and allows you to precisely point a seismic wave. The zoom window can be launched by selecting the Show zoom window option in View menu box or by selecting the F3 key. The view of a seismogram is controlled using the same keys as in the main window of the program (see Controlling the view of seismograms). The time segment displayed in the Zoom window is marked in the Main Window with a bar above the seismogram (Fig. 2).

View of 3 channels of the same station in the zoom window is turned on by selecting the Zoom 3D option in the View menu. In case when this option is not selected, one channel of the seismogram is visible in the zoom window.

A single trace or three channels of one station displayed in the zoom window are selected by clicking the mouse on the selected channel in the main window. You can add the view of more traces in the zoom window by clicking the mouse on the next trace in the main window with the Ctrl key held down.

Picking seismic phases works in the same way in the zoom window and in the main window (see Picking phases). Additionally, you can define phases to assist in pointing phases first in the main window and then correcting the position in the zoom window (see Defining of pointing of phases).

The main windows and the zoom window are synchronized with each other. Moving the cursor from one window directly to the other makes it active and brings it to the top of the screen.

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Fig. 1 Zoom window of  one Z component

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Fig. 2 Marking the zoom view in the main window

Elaboration window (F2)

The elaboration window contains information on the study of the event (see, among others, Picking phases). The elaboration is kept according to the QuakeML structure ( This window can be launched by selecting the Show elaboration window option, in the View menu or by selecting the F2 function key. In this window, it is possible to view, modify and delete individual elements of the study, which are presented in the tree structure in accordance with the QuakeML. The study for a sample earthquake (Event_QuakeML.xml) is available at, and it can be loaded by selecting the Open elaboration option in the File menu or by a key combination Ctrl+O.

The window shows up to seven groups of objects, but not all groups have to be present (Fig. 3: [1]):

  • Picks,
  • Amplitudes,
  • Stations Magnitudes,
  • Magnitudes,
  • Origins,
  • Focal machanisms
  • Spectral Parameters.

The first item is the Public ID of the event displayed at the top and the preferred location, magnitude, or mechanism identifiers are displayed below the object groups.

The item group table entry is not displayed if the elaboration does not contain any element from the above groups. After expanding the array, you can see the list of objects [2]. You can also expand individual objects and display their parameters [3]. Objects and their parameters can be edited or deleted from the pop-up menu by the mouse right-clicking on the object. You can also call from the pop-up menu functions for objects defined in modules.

The elaboration window shows only one event currently selected and studied, even if multiple events have been loaded. If several phenomena have been loaded at once, but none of them have been selected, the elaboration window is empty. If the study is empty (newly started), only the Public ID is displayed.

Report window (F1)

Okno raportu (Rys. 3) wyświetla wszystkie komunikaty dotyczące pracy programu (Rys.4 2). Prezentowana w nich treść zależy od rodzajów dostępnych w programie modułów oraz ustawionego poziomu raportowania (1). Okno to można uruchomić poprzez wybranie opcji Show reports window (Pokaż okno raportu) w Menu → pole View (widok) lub poprzez wybranie klawisza funkcyjnego F1.
Wyświetlane komunikaty są różnego poziomu. Począwszy od rangi najwyższej są to: Error, Warning, Report, Info, Debug. Komunikaty Error i Warning, oprócz wypisywania w oknie raportu wyświetlane są dodatkowo w wyskakujących oknach np.

  • okno komunikatu błędu:

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  • okno komunikatu ostrzeżenia:

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W oknie raportów zawsze wypisywane są komunikaty rangi Error, Warning i Report. Wyświetlanie komunikatów niższej rangi można ustawić wedle potrzeb wybierając odpowiednią niższą rangę. Wybieranie Info powoduje dodatkowe wyświetlanie komunikatów rangi Info, natomiast wybranie Debug powoduje wyświetlanie wszystkich komunikatów   (1). Należy przy tym pamiętać, że przy wyborze niższej rangi ilość  komunikatów może gwałtownie wzrosnąć.

Wszystkie komunikaty każdej rangi są dodatkowo zapisywane do pliku swip.log w podkatalogu .Logs. Można te komunikaty odczytać z pliku po zamknięciu programu, przed powtórnym jego wywołaniem.