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Relion could be used at Prometheus supercomputer in three ways:

  • inside graphical interactive job using pro-viz service (Main documentation - polish -  Obliczenia w trybie graficznym: pro-viz)
  • in SLURM batch job though SLURM script submitted from command line
  • in SLURM batch job submitted from Relion GUI started via pro-viz service in dedicated partition

Interactive Relion job with Relion GUI

In order to start interactive Relion job with access to Relion GUI

  1. Log into Prometheus login node

    Log into Prometheus login node
    ssh <login>
  2. Load pro-viz module 

    Load pro-viz module
    module load tools/pro-viz
  3. Start pro-viz job
    1. Submit pro-viz job to qeuue

      1. CPU-only job

        Submission of CPU pro-viz job
        pro-viz start -N <number-of-nodes> -P <cores-per-node> -p <partition/queue> -t <maximal-time> -m <memory>
      2. GPU job

        Submission of GPU pro-viz job
        pro-viz start -N <number-of-nodes> -P <cores-per-node> -g <number-of-gpus-per-node> -p <partition/queue> -t <maximal-time> -m <memory>
    2. Check status of submitted job
      Status of pro-viz job(s)
      pro-viz list
    3. Get password to pro-viz session (when job is already running)\

      Pro-viz job password
      pro-viz password <JobID>

      exemple output

      Pro-viz password example output
      Web Access link:<hash>&token=<token> 
      link is valid until: Sun Nov 14 02:04:02 CET 2021
      session password (for external client): <password>
      full commandline (for external client): vncviewer -SecurityTypes=VNC,UnixLogin,None -via <username> -password=<password> <worker-node>:<display>
    4. Connect to graphical pro-viz session
      1. you could use weblink obtained in previous point
      2. you could use VNC client (i.e. TurboVNC). Configuration of client described in Obliczenia w trybie graficznym: pro-viz (in polish)
  4. Setup Relion environment
    1. When connected to GUI open Terminal and load Relion module 

      Load Relion module
      module load plgrid/tools/relion
    2. Start Relion GUI in background

      Start relion
      relion &
  5. Use Relion GUI for computation. 

Relion in SLURM batch jobs

Most of Relion jobs could be run as batch jobs using SLURM

  1. Example CPU-only SLURM script

    Relion CPU-only SLURM script
    # Number of allocated nodes
    #SBATCH --nodes=1
    # Number of MPI processes per node 
    #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
    # Number of threads per MPI process
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=6
    # Partition
    #SBATCH --partition=plgrid
    # Requested maximal walltime
    #SBATCH --time=0-1
    # Requested memory per node
    #SBATCH --mem=110GB
    # Computational grant
    #SBATCH --account=<name-of-grant>
    module load plgrid/tools/relion/3.1.2
    mpirun <relion-command>
  2. Example GPU SLURM script
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