
Air Quality – Air quality parameters measured at air pollution monitoring stations

Air Stations – locations of air monitoring stations

Atmospheric Pressure – atmospheric pressure measurement data

Blast Information – location of blasts

Bottomhole Pressure – Bottomhole pressure in a well

Catalog – seismic catalog consists of list of seismic events (earthquakes) and parameters describing it: origin time, location (latitude, longtitude, depth), magnitude, at least.

Cavity Roof Level – Cavity roof height provided from measurements

Chemical Water Properties - site visit – Chemical properties of water samples collected during the site visits

Collar Drillhole Position – drilhole location

Cumulative Injection – Cumulated injected water volume values in a well in defined time period

Drillhole Lithology – lithological data from drillhole samples

Episode – comprahensive data set describing a geophysical process, induced or triggered by human technological activity in the field of exploration and exploitation of geo-resources, which under certain circumstances can become hazardous for people, infrastructure and the environment

Event related accelerogram – ground motion acceleration of particular event recorded on strong motion stations

Event related waveform – ground motion velocity of particular event recorded on seismic stations

Faults – fault locations

Flowback Bottomhole Pressure – Fluid flowback bottomhole pressure in a well

Flowback Rate – Fluid flowback rate in a well

Flowback Volume – Fluid flowback volume in well

Fracking Process Parameters – Any data related to the hydrofracturing process

Geoarea – any area related to considered hazard

Geopolygon 3D – 3D polygon of surface

Geotiff – any map or picture with geotagging embedded

Gravity Monitoring – data from standard gravity monitoring network

Ground motion catalog – catalog of event related recordings of peak ground acceleration (PGA) on strong motion stations

Ground Motion Network – accelerometer stations locations and all information needed for proper interpretation of the strong motion waveform data in the metadata xml format supported by Seiscomp

Ground Water Level – water level measured on defined location

Injection Rate – data of fluid volume injected to the well per time unit

Injection Volume – Volume of injected fluid into a well

Insitu Deformation – deformation measurements

Insitu Temperature Stations – Localizations of insitu temperature stations

Insitu Temperature – temperature in-situ measurements data

Mine Area – area of the mine in the considered AH episode

Mining Front Advance – location of mining front in defined time period

Mining Polygon Advance – location of excavation area in defined time period

Miniseed waveform – raw continous ground motion velocity or acceleration recorded on seismic/accelerometric station in miniSEED format

Natural Gas Production – volume of natural gas produced in gas field in defined time period

Oil Production – volume of oil produced in gas field in defined time period

Physical Water Properties - site visit – Ground water level at measurement stations collected during site visits

Physicochemical Water Properties - site visit – Physicochemical properties of water samples collected during the site visits

Physicochemical Water Properties – Water pressure, level, temperature and specific conductivity measurement results from water loggers placed in hydrological boreholes

Powerplant Position – location of the powerplant

Production Cluster Position – Locations of production wells cluster in gas or oil fields

Proppant Concentration – Proppant concentration in a fluid injected to a well

Radon 222 Concentration – Radon concentration in the air

Ray Tracing Angles – table of ray tracing angles derived from velocity model

Reservoir Pressure – natural gas reservoir pressure in a well

Seed waveform – raw continuous ground motion velocity or acceleration recorded on seismic/accelerometric station in seed format

Seismic Network – seismic station locations and all information needed for proper interpretation of the waveform data in the metadata xml format supported by Seiscomp

Seismic Stations – seismic station locations and all information needed for proper interpretation of the waveform data, when Seiscomp standard is unavailable

Shallow Velocity Profile – values of seismic wave velocity measured for shallow subsurface

Shapefile – GIS MapServer files of any feature available to be displayed on GIS system or map

Shear Wave Velocity – S wave velocity at 30m depth

Shoreline – boundary of the reservoir

Steam Production – Steam production at geothermal plants in defined time period

Strain Gauge Measurement – strain measurement data

Velocity Model – values of seismic waves velocity in the Earths interior

Water Height – height of the water column in defined measurement point of reservoir

Water Lab Analyses – results of laboratory analyses of the groundwater samples collected during site visits

Water Level – data from water level measurements in reservoirs or ground

Water Production – Water production in defined time period

Water Stations – locations of water stations collecting the data related with ground water level and water quality

Water Volume – volume of water in the reservoir

Well Path – location and trajectory f the drilled well

Well Position – location of a well

Wellhead Pressure – pressuremeasured at the surface the structural and pressure-containing interface of an oil or gas well

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