Podstawowe informacje

Work Group Managment

Work group management is in "Zespoly" menu.

There is a table contains the list of User's teams and option to create another one (Utworz nowy zespol). There is a possibility to join to already existed teams. User can search for team by "Wyszukaj zespol" and apply for access.

Work group's list

To create Work group fill the fields with following information:

Widok "Dodawanie nowego zespołu"


By option: "Dodaj kolejne osoby” User can add new members to the team. It is a pop up with search where you can find and add new person to your team.


Collectong new team members "Dodawanie nowych użytkowników"


After collect the team, User should give them roles:

Team creation ends by option ""Stwórz zespół"", then summary will show up

If User has less than 10 work groups, action is automatically confirmed.

If User has more then 10 work groups, each new required confirmation by Operation stuff.

Team membership

Every User can apply to public teams. 

Team searching

In "Znajdź zespół " menu  is a  search browser where. User can find team using following filters:

The search is a full text type. User should fill the fraise and click "Szukaj" button.


On The list with related records will show up an option: "Aplikuj o przyjecie do zespolu" (Apply to team).

Team membership verification

Team manager decides about permission for new member's access. Team manager gets an e-mail with information about new candidate and can see the notification at  the Portal.

User can monitory an application in "Zespoly" menu where is an overviev for all requests. If application is approved, User gains possibility to preview parameters of the team.

To see team's details User must click on the team's name.


Every team member can apply for team's management role. Procedure of applying for team's management role is similar to applying for membership; it's up to team's manager if User gets the role or not.



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