USER GUIDE for Completeness Magnitude Estimation
After the User adds the Application into his/her personal workspace, the following window appear on the screen (Figure 1):

Figure 1. Input window of CME application.

The user is now requested to fill the fields shown above:

After defining the aforementioned parameters, the user shall click on the "Run" button and the calculations are performed. The Status changes from 'CREATED' through  'SENT_TO_SERVER', 'RUNNING' and finally 'FINISHED' and the output is created and plotted in the main window. The Analysis Results table appear on the screen after clicking on the 'Show' button (top left corner in Figure 2), next to 'mccalc_output_aa'. These results are:


Figure 2. Number of events vs Magnitude bins plot for CME analysis.


Figure 3. Number of events vs Magnitude bins with the fiitting curve plot for CME analysis.


Figure 4. Residuals vs Magnitude bins with plot for CME analysis.


Figure 5. b-value of GR law vs Magnitude bins with plot for CME analysis.

Note that zooming option is enabled for all of the aforementioned plots (see information (info) tips at the low part of Figures 3, 4 and 5). (For more details about the available figure options, see section Plot properties" in "Visualization" chapter).