List of known problems and issues

After restart of cryoSPARC master there is "database: ERROR (spawn error)"

Sometimes when cryoSPARC master is shut down it can not restart due to database error. It leads to

CryoSPARC is not already running.
If you would like to restart, use cryosparcm restart
Starting cryoSPARC System master process..
CryoSPARC is not already running.
database: ERROR (spawn error)

In such case you should check logs for errors

cryoSPARC master is consuming resources when no other jobs are running

You could run additional helper script called to check whether there are any cryoSPARC worker jobs running and finish cryoSPARC master job when there aren't any jobs for some time. 

cryosparc_idle_watcher <timeout>

cryoSPARC master and workers on cluster differ in versions

After changing cryoSPARC master version (i.e. by changing module that you load) cluster lanes are still pointing to previous version of cryoSPARC workers. It could show as error:

File "cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/", line 46, in 
AssertionError: Version mismatch! Worker version (v3.2.0+210629) and Master version (v3.2.0+210413) are not the same. Please update.

You have to update cluster lanes.

  1. Start interactive job

    srun -p plgrid-services --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --time=0-1 --pty bash

  2. Load cryoSPARC environment using module (remember to use correct version of cryoSPARC)

    module add plgrid/apps/cryosparc/<version>

  3. Run script that update cluster lanes 

    There should be only one job which run cryoSPARC master per user. Therefore you should stop job with cryoSPARC master before this step.


  4. Stop cryoSPARC master

    cryosparcm stop

  5. End interactive job
