This module is designed to quickly search through a list of files containing records of detected seismic events. All files must be in a separate directory with no files other than seismic records. Only one file is read in each step of the work, so all stations and channels needed to interpret the event should be in one file. File names should be sortable alphabetically.

After starting the program, the first file is selected similarly to reading seismic records from a file a file. To load a new file, select FileOpen listFirst file from the menu. A dialog box for loading files then appears.

The file list reading module searches for all seismic format modules and enables reading seismic records from files in all these formats. In the File type position, the seismic file type is selected. Choosing the right type makes it easier to find the file you are looking for, as long as its name is consistent with the naming convention. Otherwise, it is better to select All files (*.*). However, the program may then have trouble recognizing what type of seismic file it is, and it will treat other files in this directory as seismic files.

After selecting one file - the first one from the list of records that we plan to view - and pressing  Open, the file will be loaded and the seismogram will appear in the main window. When loading files, the existing elaboration is deleted. Loading subsequent files is faster with the FileOpen listNext file command or the Ctrl + N keyboard shortcut. Warning. The module for reading the list of files uses the same keyboard shortcut as the module for reading the next time segment from the ArcLink. In such a case, it is recommended not to use these plugins together or not to use the Ctrl + N keyboard shortcut.

When the list of files to browse is out, a message will appear that the previous file was the last one, e.g.:

You can include the option of checking whether there are studies in the database for the loaded time period (see Operations on databases), and loading the existing one, however, sometimes it slows down viewing a large number of files because the program blocks the loading of the next file before it checks the database.

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