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There are multiple ways to access the AH Episode data available in the IS-EPOS web platform.The User may click on the "'AH Episodes" ' tab from the portal main menu in the top left corner of the screen (Field 1, Figure 1). In such way the available episodes are displayed on the screen along with options for selecting and filtering data. "'Advanced data search" ' (Field 2, Figure 1) will be described later on in this section. The projects associated to each episode along with the level of access are shown and the User can filter the episodes according to this criterion (Field 3, Figure 1). The User is also provided given the possibility for selecting among AH Episodes according to the technological/production process they are connected with. This can be done by ticking the small boxes shown in Field 4 of Figure 1. Ticking "'All" ' box, will exclude no Episode from the list displayed (fields 3 and 4, Figure 1). The User can now click on one of the Episodes (e.g. Bobrek Mine, Czorsztyn or Groningen, Field 5, Figure 1 ) from this list to get access to the corresponding data.    


Figure 1. View to the main window in the IS-EPOS web platform. 


For each one of the AH Episodes from the list, some short information concerning the location and the technology associated with the Episode is provided. In addition, a world map is shown at the bottom of the screen with the exact location of the selected episodes depicted on the map (Figure 2). Zooming, map/satellite view, drawing of national borders and full screen mode are options provided available for the map handling.  


Figure 2. World map with the exact location of the selected episodes from IS-EPOS Platform.

Figure 3 demonstrates an example of a page with data from Legnica-Głogów Copper District Episode. The structure and interface is identical in all cases of AH Episodes. Some informative fields are displayed in the right top corner of the screen such as the Episode State, Industrial process and Region (Field 1, Figure 3). A short Description of the Episode and the associated project is shown in Field 2, Figure 3. Some images related with the selected Episode are also displayed, providing additional information. Episode Data is found just below the Description and they are categorized into  into groups of different data types, i.e. SeismicData relevant for the considered hazard like seismic or air quality, Industrial and Geodata (Field 3, Figure 4), or other data relevant for anthropogenic hazard, such as air quality and physico-chemical water properties data. Seismic Data includes mainly seismicity catalogs, seismic network information and waveforms corresponding to seismic events as they were recorded by the stations. Geodata includes mainly velocity models from the site of the Episode and maps with local faulting systems. On the other hand, Industrial data contains a group of data files which is directly connected with the technological-production processes that induce the anthropogenic seismicity (see the example from LGCD Episode, Figure 3). There are additional fields shown in Figure 4: Field 3, "'All data related to this episode"', grants access to the "'Advanced data search"', which will be described later on in this section. "'Available visualizations" ' (Field 5, Figure 3) provides to the User the ability to perform integrated Episode data visualization and various other visualizations, regarding the selected Episode. Finally, clicking on Field 6 of Figure 3, "'See more information in Document Repository"', leads the User to the document repository engine, to seek for references and further details concerning the Episode, data, methods etc. Resources and information on the data provider are appended in the web page.  


Figure 3.View to the data episode window in the IS-EPOS web platform. 


All of the aforementioned data sets can be selected by clicking and then added to workspace (selecting "'Add to workspace" ' from the "'Actions" ' tab (e.g. field 1, Figure 5) to be used for the available applications. For some of these data sets, visualization is also possible, as map view (e.g. Seismic Network, mining area, reservoir shoreline) or graph charts (e.g. velocity model, mining front advance, injection rate). The map view - like data can be combined and demonstrated in a single map by selecting the "'integrated Episode data visualization" ' from the "'Available Visualizations" ' tab. Seismic events (red circles), network of seismic stations (green triangles) and various episode-related data can be shown/hidden by setting/deleting removing a tick in the small boxes shown in the top of Figure 4. 


Figure 4Figure 4. Example of combined "Intergrated Episode data vizualization" for LGCD episode.

Additional options are available for some specific kinds of data (Catalog and Water Level/ Wellhead pressure with seismic activity, 3-D visualization and Integrated GIS data), therefore, these will be now described in detail.


  •  Catalog Options (All episodes)

Seismic catalog contains various important information as demonstrated in Figure 5 and Figure 6. The User may upload the catalog data in the workspace by selecting "'Actions" ' (field 1, Figure 5) and then "'Add to workspace" ' either as a link (following the updates in the dataset) or as a copy. In both cases the filed can be moved in a particular location (folder) in the User's workspace. Information on the file can also be displayed on the screen and the data can be downloaded in .mat format. Below this field, a short summary of the catalog is provided, containing the number of events, time period that the Episode covers, depth range of seismicity and magnitude range of the events. Below the summary, there are some action tabs (Field 21, Figure 5) including (with respect to the AH Episode) Show Catalog, Seismic Activity Plot,3D Event Distribution, Events in Local Coordinates, Benioff Plot etc. The attributes of the catalog are displayed below 'Data' Section, and they comprise the Name of the attribute, a brief description, the minimum and maximum values and the number of valid values (i.e. values that exist, not NaNs). The action tabs (Field 21, Figure 5) are the following (also see "plot properties" section in "Visualizations" chapter):   

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Figure 5. Example of seismic catalog.

  • Show catalog (from Actions List, field 21, Figure 5)Detailed information on the attributes of every event in the seismic catalog is demonstrated (Figure p1). These data appear as pop-up windows and are shown in pages, each one containing 20 rows. The User can proceed to the following or previous pages by clicking the left-right arrows shown in the bottom left part of Figure p1.

    Figure p1. Catalog contents.

  • Seismic Activity Step plot (from Actions List, field 21, Figure 5): This option shows the seismic activity plotted against time (Figure p2). Zooming in/out and linear/logarithmic scale of the y-axis are available.

Figure p2. Seismic activity with time.

  • 3D events distribution (from Actions List, field 2, Figure 5): 3D spatial distribution of the events foci (longitude,latitude,depth), as circles with size proportional to the event magnitude (Figure p3). Rotation of the plot is possible after clicking and dragging the cursor through the plot area. The focal coordinates of each event are depicted when the cursor is pointing on a circle.

Figure p3. Events location and magnitude 3D plot.

  • Benioff plot (from Actions List, field 21, Figure 5): A Benioff  plot (square root of energy against time) can be created for those catalogs which include information on seismic energy released by the seismic events (Figure p4). Zooming in/out and linear/logarithmic scale of the y-axis are available.

Figure p4. Benioff plot.


  • Events in local coordinates (from Actions List, field 21, Figure 5):This option generates 2-D plot of the epicentral coordinates of the seismic events (Figure p5) in local (cartesian) coordinate system (when those are available).  Zooming in/out option is available for this figure.

Figure p5Figure p5. Events in local coordinates plot.

Additional plotting options are available by clicking on the gear icon shown in field 3 2 of Figure 5 (right hand side). These options include histograms (interval, cumulative and reversed cumulative histograms) and 1-D plots.  Zooming in/out and linear/logarithmic scale of the y-axis are available. Moreover, in histograms the bar step can be modified and in 1-D plots the chart type can be switched among column, scatter, spline and line.


  • 1-D plot with secondary Y-axis (zooming in/out and linear/logarithmic scale of the x-axis and y-axis are available)
  • 2-D plot (zooming in/out and linear/logarithmic scale of the x-axis and y-axis are available)
  • 2-D plot with secondary Y-axis (zooming in/out and linear/logarithmic scale of the x-axis and y-axis are available)
  • 3-D plot (rotation of the plot is possible after clicking and dragging the cursor through the plot area)
  • 2-D Histogram, as shown in Figure 7 (rotation of the plot is possible after clicking and dragging the cursor through the plot area).
    (See also "plot properties" section in "Visualization" chapter)


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    Figure 6.


  • Visualizaion option on the IS-EPOS Platform.

    Figure 7. Depth vs local magnitude 2D histogram.



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Figure 7.

Finally, seismic activity can be plotted together with any other parameter as shown on the top right corner of Figure 6. An example of seismic activity plotted with latitude is shown in Figure 89. The time step can be set by the User (red frame in Figure 8). The time unit can be chosen as well among hour, day and week (green frame in Figure 8). These options are activated by clicking on the "OK" button. Zooming in/out and linear/logarithmic scale of the y-axis are available for this plot. 


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Figure 8. Seismic acivity plot with Latitude.

  • Water Level/ Wellhead pressure with Seismic Activity (For Particular AH Episodes)


The zooming (in the X-axis) can be performed in two ways: First by selecting a predefined time unit, shown after "'Zoom" ' field, among 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, YTD (i.e. from the beginning of the current year up to date), 1 year and all (i.e. the entire period). The second is to interactively zoom in/out the X-axis on the lower frame (shown in the red box in Figure 9). The User has just to click on the small rectangles at the left and right of the shaded panel and drag them to either direction in order to select the time period he/she wishes. The selected period can be shifted towards left/right by either dragging the cursor after clicking into the shaded part, or by using the small arrows at the left and right bottom corner of the lower frame (depicted by the red box in Figure 9). In any case the starting and ending date of the chosen period is noted in the screen (green box in Figure 9). Each one of the plotted parameters can be hidden or shown by clicking on the legend, found at the very bottom of Figure 9.

Figure 9.Water level/Wellhead pressure with seismic activity plotFigure 9.

  • 3-D Visualizations (All Episodes)

 This is a 3-D integrated visualization tool which provides an interactive spatial and temporal representation of the seismicity evolution in the AH Episodes and its connection with the production data (e.g. mining front advance, wellhead pressure etc) as demonstrated in Figure 10. The instructions for applying rotation and zoom in the Figure are shown in the top left corner of Figure 10. The seismicity can be shown as a video/animation by using the tools available in Field 1, Figure 10. From right to left, the symbols correspond to: Play video forward, jump to the next time point, pause video, jump to the previous time point, play video backwards. The progress of the video is indicated by the black dot moving along the grey bar, found just below the "Date" text, at the top of Figure 10. The objects manager (Field 2, Figure 10) can be used at any time in order to hide/show selected objects on the screen such as the injection wells, the seismic events, the stations of the seismic network, the surface map and the map scale, with respect to the selected episode. Field 3 in Figure 10 show a color scale to interpret the seismic events depicted in terms of their size (magnitude). Finally the User may change the velocity model view in the illustration from Vp to Vs and vice versa by clicking on the "Change velocity model to Vs" button, as shown in Field 4, Figure 10.  

Figure 10. 3D seismicity visualisation.

  • Integrated GIS data (Bobrek)

This application allows User to integrate GIS data into an interactive base map plot (Figure 11). The User can introduce to the plot fault segments, operating edges in mining seems, seismic events ans network and front advance. 


Figure 11. Intergrated GIS data in an example for Bobrek mine.



This option provides an advanced data search tool, by the means of multiple data filtering, that can be accessed in two ways (see Figure 1 - "'advanced data search" ' and Figure 3 - "'all data related to this episode"'). The following filters are available for the User (Figure 12 and Figure 13). The User may select one or more options by ticking the corresponding small boxes, or choose all available data from each filter ticking the small box at the left of "All" field. 


Figure 12. Data search interface.

The available filters are:


  • Time Range: The User is requested to provide a temporal constraint for the data by entering "Start" and "End" time into the corresponding empty boxes.


Figure 13. Results of data search application.

After the selection of the appropriate filters, the User shall click the "'Search" ' button and the resulting datasets appear on the screen (Figure 13). In the case when too many datasets have been selected, the use of the arrows located in the green box of Figure 13, provides access to the those data which are not shown in the screen. There are 3 actions the User may now attempt (symbols numbered in the upper right corner of Figure 13):

  1. View file: This choice will provide data features and options just as in the conventional data search described earlier in this section.
  2. Add to workspace: This choice is a shortcut to add the data in the workspace (see 3, below)
  3. Show actions: This choice will upload the corresponding dataset to the User's personal workspace for further processing (either as a link or copy). Alternatively the User may put a tick on one or more of the small boxes at the left side of the figure and then click on the "Add to workspace" bar, located below the table (found in the green frame in Figure 13). Moreover by clicking on this iceon the user may download the data or show file information on the screen (Figure 14)

Figure 14. File information available in the results of data search application.