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The upper part of the workspace screen is the same with all the other pages in IS-EPOS web platform (Fields 1, 2 and 3, Figure 1). Portal's pages ('Document Repository', 'AH Episodes', etc.) are shown in Field 1 of Figure 1, whereas field 2 depicts the Profile and and affiliations, together together with the logout button. The workspace can be accessed from any page, by clicking on the 'My workspace' tab (right side of Field 3, Figure 1). The same field indicates also the current working directory, giving possibility to change it by clicking at any other directory available (indicated by 'D' letter, Field 4, Figure 1). Field 4 includes applications and data that have been already uploaded to the workspace by the User (see "AH Episodes", "Applications" and "Data Dandling Applications" chapters). The Actions that User may perform can be accessed either by choosing the 'Actions' button (field 5, Figure 1), or by clicking on the 3 dots on the right margin of Field 4 (indicated by the purple box), just next to each directory, application or data set. The available actions differ from item to item and are summarized below with a brief description:

Figure 1. Description of Workspace layout and functionalities

  •  Actions for Folders-Applications:


Choose Episode and seismic Catalog on the IS-EPOS platform (Figure 2):

Image AddedImage Removed
 Figure 2. IS-EPOS platform  window after selecting Catalog.


Then, select 'Action'  button and one of the two available 'ADD TO WORKSPACE AS LINK IN LOCATION' options shown in Figure 3.  

Image Removed
 Image Added

Figure 3. Options available through 'ACTIONS' menu located next to Catalog name.


In the next step If the 'ADD TO WORKSPACE AS LINK IN LOCATION' is chosen, then the User is allowed to choose a destination where link to the catalog will be created (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Window with selection of destination directory within User’s Workspace.


After accepting the selection, the link will be created in appropriate  directory. User is now able to conduct scientific research on a file linked to the his personal Workspace, which can be opened by selecting the button: 'My Workspace', situated in upper right corner of the IS-EPOS platform.


Firstly, click the 'My Workspace' button. Then, select desired directory within the workspace and pick the Options menu (3 squares next to name of the directory) (Figure 5).

Figure 5. My workspace with 'Upload' option.


After choosing the 'Upload' option, new window appears (Figure 6):


Figure 6. Upload file parameters


User must choose the file he wants to upload, select proper data type and file format. Afterwards, User should select 'OK' button.
