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IS-EPOS is a prototype of Thematic Core Service - Anthropogenic Hazard (TCS-AH), in European Plate Observing System (EPOS) integration program. IS-EPOS integrates data describing comprehensively anthropogenic hazard cases, called Episodes and software applications grouped in certain categories. Moreover, it provides interactive visualization, browsing and optimization optimisation tools. In such way, the IS-EPOS sustains a permanent and reliable platform of advanced Research Infrastructures for the AH Community. 

his quick start guide provides the basic information on how to access, register and make use of the database and the applications available in IS-EPOS web-platform, which can be accessed at (Figure 1).

An example of application is presented in the tutorial appended, introducing step by step the integration of data and applications available in the portal. For a more detailed description of the portal navigation, configuration options, scientific implementations and visualization applications the user is referred to the IS-EPOS User Guide, which comprises several chapters associated with specific functions. User Guide provides a more detailed description, supported with snapshots and figures demonstrating step-by-step examples of certain functionalities.

This quick guide includes the most important information comprising the following sections:

  • Signing Up/ Logging in
  • IS-EPOS Home Page
  • Tabs and Icons
  • AH Episodes
  • Applications
  • Document Repository
  • Tutorial
  • Additional Resources


The IS-EPOS web platform is available at IS-EPOS operational language is English. If a user has already an account, he/she can easily log in by clicking on the 'LOGIN' tab (top right corner of Figure 1) and simply providing the e-mail address and password. To create an account, the user shall click on either the ‘SIGN UP’ tab (blue button, the right top corner of Figure 1). The fields that the user is requested to fill are shown in Figure 2. After submitting the registration form the system verifies the provided affiliation and the user can hereinafter log in the IS-EPOS web-platform.

Figure 1. Start Page of the IS-EPOS platform

Figure 2. Registration form to sign up


The home page of IS-EPOS platform is shown in Figure 3. The user may switch among (from left to right, Field 1, Figure 3) the Platform Start Page, the IS-EPOS portal (demonstrated in Figure 3), Documents repository and Support. This latter field includes a shortcut to Platform User Guide, the Platform Forum and a contact form in order to submit queries and comments to the IS-EPOS team. The portal grants access to three major facility categories: The AH Episodes (database), the Applications (Field 2, Figure 3) and the User's Workspace (Field 3 Figure 3). In the Workspace the user may upload and use the available data and Applications at any combination. In the example of Figure 3 the AH-Episodes category is selected and the user may select an Episode from the list or filter this list by either involvement in particular Project or Impacting Factor (Field 4, Figure 3). In such way the user obtains access to the selected Episode. Alternatively, advanced data search can be performed (Field 5, Figure 3), which provides a plethora of additional filtering and searching options. Finally, the user may edit his/her profile and affiliations and request access to particular Project-related Episodes and Applications (Field 6, Figure 3). To log out, the user has to click on the icon shown in Field 7 of Figure 3.  

Figure 3. AH Episodes Main Page of IS-EPOS platform with the basic features and available functionalities



Most of the command tabs are self-explanatory (such as 'search', 'plot', 'map', 'show', 'Add to workspace', etc).

The 'Actions' tab provide a list of actions:

-          In case of the AH Episodes data, the available actions are 'View File, 'View Episode', 'Add to workspace' (either as file or as a link) , 'Show file information' and 'Download'.

-          In the case of seismic catalogs there is also a tab 'action list' which provides, depending on the episode, visualizations of catalog elements such as tables with catalog contents, seismic activity step plot, 3D events distribution etc.

-          In case of the elements in workspace (data, results) the 'Actions' tab provides a variety of actions depending upon the format and potential usage of an element. Such actions are also self-explanatory as: 'copy', 'delete', 'use in Applicationapplication', 'make a directory', 'create link' etc.

There are also some actions which are defined by the following symbols:

 View file (in the advanced data search)

 Logout (always shown at the top right corner of the IS-EPOS Portal)

    Application (Workspace)

    Expand the list of action in the elements located in My Workspace 


Each AH Episode contains some informative fields, status details and a short Description of the Episode and related images (Field 1, Figure 4). Episode Data are found just below the Description and they are categorized categorised into 3 groups of different data types (Field 12, Figure 4): Seismic data, Industrial data and Geodata (Other data relevant to anthropogenic hazards, such as physico-chemical water properties or air quality data are also available in certain Episodes). There are additional fields shown in Figure 4:

Field 23, "All data related to this episode", grants access to the "Advanced data search"

Field 34, "Available visualizations" gives the ability to the User to perform various visualizations, regarding the selected Episode.

Field 45, "See more information in Document Repository", leads the User to the document repository engine.

Field 6, Information on the Data provider and links to additional resources 

By September, 2019, 35 AH Episodes are integrated in IS-EPOS 

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Figure 4. Demonstration of an AH Episode 


The available applications in IS-EPOS are grouped into Data Processing and Data Handling applications, thematic categories each one containing several applications. The User can search by typing keywords (the user may extend the Field 1, Figure 5) of by the list of keywords provided in the platform (Field 2, Figure 5). The User may also select particular applications by clicking on each category).

-          Data Processing Applications sustain advanced methodologies for AH data analysis:

  • Inter-event Time Distribution Analysis

  • Completeness Magnitude Estimation
  • Time-Dependent Seismic Hazard (in mining front surroundings)
  • Time-Dependent Seismic Hazard (in mining a selected area)
  • Stationary Seismic Hazard Parameters (Exceedance Probability, Maximum Credible Magnitude, Mean Return Period)
  • Source Size Distribution Functions
  • Source Localization/Relocalization
  • Moment Tensor Inversion
  • Spectral Analysis
  • Fracture Network Models - Mechanical Stresses
  • Stress Inversion
  • Correlation Analysis (Autocorrelation, Coefficient of Randomness, Cross Correlation, Priestley-Subba Rao Test)

-          Data Handling Applications comprise tools for data transformation and handling:  

  • Catalog Export
  • GDF Export
  • Magnitude Conversions
  • Catalog filtering
  • Waveform Processing tools (Signal Download tool, Seismogram Picking Tool, SEED to SAC Converter, Waveform Download Tool)
  • Time Series Builder
  • , Field 3, Figure 5). These categories consist of tools for data handling, data processing, scientific analysis and visualization.

    By September 2019, there are 55 applications grouped within the following categories:

    • Collective Properties of Seismicity
    • Converters
    • Correlation Analysis
    • Data Processing Applications 
    • Download Tools
    • Earthquake Interactions
    • Event Detection Algorithms
    • Filtering Tools
    • Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
    • Seismogram Analysis Tools
    • Source Parameters Estimation
    • Stress Field Modelling
    • Visualizations
    Ground Motion Parameters Tool

    Information on each selected Application is shown on the screen (short description, category and affiliationlast update) and the user may upload the Application in the workspace to perform applications by clicking on the 'Add to Workspace' tab (Field 4, Figure 5). By clicking at the name of each application, more information appears as well as links to the User Guide, Document repository and (if available) to the code repository (Figure 6).

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    Figure 5. Applications List 

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    Figure 5. Information on a selected application and links to the corresponding references 


    Figure 5 7 demonstrates how the Document Repository web page looks like within the IS-EPOS platform. The 'About' page contains contact information and useful links, that can be accessed by clicking on the links in blue fonts. The choices provided to the user, (tabs in red boxes, indicated by the numbers 1-4 in Figure 57) are the following:

    1) Leads to the IS-EPOS web platform.2)  Leads to IS-EPOS Document Repository Home page. The Search Repository tool is provided here, which supports both search repository options (quick and advanced search.3) Leads to the IS-EPOS platform User Guide

    24) Leads to 'Browse' page. Items can be browsed by Episode, Year, Subject, EpisodeCreators, Author or Software references

    5) Leads to search repository options (quick and advanced)

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    Figure 5

    Applications references or material acknowledging the IS-EPOS Platform

    3) Information on how-to-cite IS-EPOS Platform

    4) IS-EPOS Platform documents including terminology files, data policy documents, User Guide etc.

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    Figure 7. Document Repository page with available functionalities


    Example of estimating stationary seismic hazard (SSH) parameters from a catalog.

    Step 1:


     Select a specific Episode from the list by clicking on one of the panels (e.g. the one indicated by the red box in the figure below): 

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    Step 2: Select a data type from the list (e.g. ‘Catalog’ in this example). There are several data types available with respect to the episode and the induced seismicity technology:

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    Step 3: Once the user selects one data type, access is granted to data attributes, numerical values and visualization applications. For further data processing the user has to click on the "Actions" tab and then on the 'ADD TO WORKSPACE' window which appears right below (red frame at the top right corner of Figure below). There are several option options for that, either add as a link or  or a copy to a selected location (directory). The data has now moved to the workspace and can be processed by the means of Data Handling and Data Processing applications any Applications and Visualization tools:

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    Step 4: Once the selected data are uploaded in the workspace (a file has appeared in the workspace tree), the user may click either on the three dots icon to the right of 'SONG_TRANH_catalog.mat' or on the 'Actions' tab (right top corner of the figure) in order to use these data in one of the available applications as shown in the figure below. 'Source size distribution functions/ Stationary Hazard' is selected in this case:

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    Step 5The application has now been selected and the user is requested to


    fulfil some fields with parameter values needed for the SSH analysis (red frames in the Figure). These parameters can be selected either from a list of values (e.g. '

    Select Magnitude

    Chosen magnitude column') or just typed by the user (e.g. 'Start', 'End' and 'Step of Magnitude'. Note that 'Mmin' parameter can either be typed or chosen from the histograms after clicking on 'Histogram' or 'Cumulative Histogram' tabs. 'Change Input' can be selected for using adifferent dataset under the precondition that it is already uploaded in the workspace. Once all the parameters have been selected, the user may click on the '


    RUN' button (green button at the bottom of the figure), for the calculation process to be initiated


    . The 'SAVE' button can be also used for saving the application form (Field 1). Autorun option can be selected as well (Field 2):

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    Step 6: The process soon terminates and the status changes to 'Finished'. The results of the process include a report with parameters values previously selected by the user and then estimated by the system (blue panel in the figure) and two charts plotting the PDF and CDF of the magnitude distribution, respectively, as functions of magnitude. The figures may be printed or downloaded by clicking on the icons indicated in the red frame of the figure. Options for figure handling are available below the charts. 

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    Step 7: The output of the Application contains files in matlab format (.mat files shown in the blue frame of the


    Figure below). These files can be further used in a variety of actions including downloading, copying and use in other applications e.g. for estimating the Mean Return Period (red

    frame of the figure

    frames in the Figure below).

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    IS-EPOS is available in social media




    IS-EPOS webpage:,2,en.html

    IGF-PAS webpage:

    ACK CYFRONET webpage:

    EPOS webpage:

    AH-EPOS Platform User Guide (Confluence):