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There are two different ways to create custom application that may be used within EPISODES Application WorkbenchPlatform. The first one option is to use the Platform's dedicated wizard which suggests required elements and parameters used to fill in the created application. The other way second option (recommended only for advanced users) is to create a Git repository using Gitea only the Application Workbench and then create and add required (appDefinition) and optional (e.g. appDescription) files with Git.

files by hand.

Contents of this guide

With this guide you will learn how to create your own application that could be later used within the EPISODES Platform. Depending on your choice, you can read how to create the application in the automated (recommended) or manual and how to check if the application was created correctly. To learn how to edit the application files after it is created, please check this guide

Creating a new application with dedicated wizard

Note, that we recommend using the wizard even if you already have a good knowledge of GIT and Application Workbench, as this tool will set correctly all the default values and generate stubs of the files you will need for the application execution. The manual repository creation is recommended only in case you already have your code in a local GIT repository and want to connect it to the Application Workbench (and, ultimately, to EPISODES Platform).

To create a new application using dedicated wizard in the EPISODES Platform go to My Apps and click the Create New Application button.

Figure 1. To create a new application using dedicated wizard click the buttons marked above.

New application configuration

Important fields used in the wizard are briefly described below:

  • Application repository name - the name of the application and the repository that will contain all application files,
  • Programming language - the programming language which is used for the scripts used by the application,
  • Function name - script name, the name of the main function that is executed after the application is started,
  • Required tools - the list of the tools required by application to run, it should be in accordance with the scripting language and may optionally include other programs or toolboxes,
  • Input files - it allows to add the input files that will be used by the application to acquire variables which are then used as arguments by the main function. If added, one must specify its Type,
  • Input parameters - input parameters which are specified in this field are visible as the form in the application panel and are entered manually by the user,
  • Outputs - the output file/files generated by the application. When added, one must provide its Output file name, Type and Format,
  • Add application description - checkbox that enables optional form for creating the application description;

For details on each field and all possible options that may be used in the application wizard, go to Custom application configuration.

Warning! After the create new application button is used the only option to edit the application is by modifying the Git/Gitea repository!

By clicking the create button the user applications list will be shown. The created application should be visible on the user's application list and in the applications tab. You may now check the repository created on Gitea by clicking </> CODE REPOSITORY button.

Figure 2. To go to the Gitea repository of the application use the marked button.

Creating a new application manually

Go to GITEA page and log in with your custom account or sign in with EPISODES Platform (authentication by Unity).  After successfully logging to Gitea client first you need to create a new repository for the application. The two paths of creating the repository are shown on the figures below:

Figure 3. One of the way to create a new repository is by clicking the marked button.

Figure 4. The second way to create a new repository is to use the panel at the top right corner of the page.

Repository configuration

In the New Repository section only one field is required to fill: Repository Name (it may contain only alphanumeric, dash, undersore and dot characters). Other important but optional fields are described below:

  • Owner - owner of the repository may be selected,
  • Visibility - if repository is private it will be visible only to the owner and optionally selected organization members if they have rights (e.g. collaborators). Otherwise repository will be visible to everyone,
  • Description - short description what repository is containing,
  • Template - template repository may be selected (templates may be shared by team members),
  • .gitignore - it allows to specify intentionally untracked files to ignore from a list of templates for common languages (by default it contains common artifacts generated by each language builder tool),
  • License - it informs other users what they can do with code contained in the repository,
  • Initialize Repository (Adds .gitignore, License and README) - only if the field is checked the elements listed in parentheses will be included to the repository
  • Default Branch - default branch name may be specified,
  • Signature Trust Model - here one can specify the trust model for signature verification,
  • Template (Make repository template) - if ticked, the repository may serve as a template for new repositories in the future;

After filling fields and clicking Create Repository Button, you shall see a screen with a Git's Quick Guide and link for cloning the repository. For more information about working with Git please follow this link: Git Reference.

Figure 5. You may copy the link to the repository by clicking button on the right.

For more information on what should be in the repository, please visit the following page: Custom application configuration.

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