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The EPISODES Platform document repository is a database of documents, such as peer-reviewed papers, books, theses, technical reports etc, associated with the data, technological/production processes, methodologies and Episodes included in the EPISODES web platform.

You are welcome to propose new publications that could be included in the Document Repository - see the last section for instruction how to do this.

Navigating to Document Repository


There are 3 different ways to access the


EPISODES Platform documents Repository:

  • From the


  • EPISODES web platform home page, by clicking on the


  • 'Documents


  • ' tag, as shown in the left frame of Figure 1 (indicated by a red


  • field). The User has now entered the Home Page of the


  • EPISODES Platform documents.
  • From any of the AH Episodes, by clicking on the


  • 'See more information in Document Repository


  • ' at the bottom of the 'Data' section, as indicated in the red


  • filed in the right frame of Figure 1. The User has now entered the selected Episode's  document repository base (see the




  • Applications provided by the platform, by clicking on the link below


  • 'REFERENCES' field, in the


  • Application's description pages (


  • see the 'Test User Guide


  • Application' chapter). The User has now entered the selected


  • Application's document repository base (see


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Figure 1. Access to the Documents Repository on EPISODES Platform.

Document Repository main view


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Figure 1.


Figure 2 demonstrates how the Document Repository web page looks like within the


EPISODES Platform. The




' page is shown in Figure 2, containing contact information and useful links, that can be accessed by clicking on the text in blue fonts, found into the green boxes in Figure 2. The choices provided to the User, (tabs in red boxes, indicated by the numbers in Figure 2) are the following:

  1. Leads to the IS-EPOS web platform (TCS Portal).
  2. Leads to IS-EPOS Document Repository Home page (described in detail later on).
  3. Leads to IS-EPOS Document Repository Home page as well (described in detail later on).
  4. Leads to "Browse" page (described in detail later on).
  5. Leads to Login page, shown in Figure 3. The User has to enter his//hers Username and Password into the respective fields, in order to Login (blue tab in Figure 3) and obtain access to the IS-EPOS portal. Password can be reset, after clicking on the "reset" link indicated by blue text in Figure 3.
  6. Leads to Create Account page, where a new User may register in order to obtain access in more areas of the repository (Figure 4). This is a very quick process, requiring some basic data that the User enters in the fields shown in Figure 4. Once all the data have been inserted, the registration process is accomplished by clicking on the "register" tab (blue tab at the bottom of Figure 4).
  7. Search engine of the Repository. The User may enter any key word(s) in the empty field at the left of the "Search" tab, for getting a list with documents connected to these key words (described in detail later on).      

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Figure 3.


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Figure 4.

The main pages of the Repository are now described in detail.

  •  Home Page: The Home page of IS-EPOS documents, provides some choices to the User, shown in the large tabs of Figure 5. Each tab contains the link to the respective page (blue text in the top left corner of each tab, Figure 5) and a short description just below this link:


  1. 'Search Repository' allows for quick (text) search or advanced search based on different parameters (further described in Document search subsection)
  2. 'Browse Repository' provides an alternative search tool, that allows for searching within specific categories of items e.g. Episode, Year, Subject, Creators, Applications references or material acknowledging the EPISDOES Platform (further described in  Browsing by category subsection )
  3. Information on how-to-cite EPISODES Platform
  4. Links to other EPISODES Platform documents including terminology files, data policy documents, this User Guide etc.

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Figure 2. Document Repository web page within the EPISODES Platform.

Document search

Advanced document search

Figure 4 and Figure 5 show some of the fields that the User may complete for getting access to the items he/she wishes. There are comprehensive instructions of how to fill the fields. These information can be shown/hidden after switch the small blue button at the right of each field from "?" to "-" and vice versa (Figure


3.1). The User may also select between "All of" Any of" the inserted terms, by clicking on the small arrow at the left of the filling space


. The User


can also select terms from specific lists as shown in Figure


3.2. He/she may tick box(es) shown in the red frames of Figure


3.2, corresponding to the terms written next to those boxes. Additional filtering can be applied by clicking on the arrows shown in the green frames of Figure


3.2. Instructions for completing the required fields is always provided after clicking on the question mark tab (blue "?" symbol), at the right hand side of each tab


. After all input data have been set, the user may either click on the "Search" button to commit searching , or on the "Reset the form" button to clear all the selected fields (these two buttons are


located both at the top and bottom of


the screen, e.g. at the top of Figure 3.1).

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Figure 3.1. Advanced search interface - upper part in the Document Repository.

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Figure 3.2. Advanced search interface- lower part in Documents Repository.

Search results

Both quick and 'Advanced Search' options (see Figure 2, Field 1 and previous subsection) return results as depicted in Figure 3.3. This contains  additional choices:

  • Field 1. The User may modify the present search or perform a new one by selecting 'Refine search' or 'New search', respectively.
  • Field 2. Select mode of sorting the results. The available options for setting the order of the results are available  after clicking on the small arrow, just before the 'Reorder' tab, and they are:  by year (ascending or descending), by author's name and by document title.
  • Field 3. The list of references can be exported in several different formats, selected from the small arrow just before 'Export' tab, such as ASCII, BibTeX, HTML, just to name a few.
  • Field 4. The results of the search are shown in the screen. Clicking on the blue text in Field 4, Figure 3.3, will lead to the screen similar with the one displayed in Figure 8.
  • Field 5. In the cases where the document is available, clicking on Field 5, will download a .pdf copy of the respective material.   

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Figure 3.3. Search engine results after request for the keyword 'Groningen'.

Browsing by category

The 'Browse' option (Field 2, Figure 2) gives the user the opportunity

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Figure 5.

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Figure 6.


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Figure 7.



to perform a special searching in the repository, by selecting specific categories comprising several fields


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Figure 8.

Filtering of items can be done by year, subject, division or author. All of these filtering processes lead to identical searching tools as the one demonstrated right on for the




' case (Figure


4.1). The main category selected here (subject) is further divided into sub-categories, corresponding to more


specialised filters of grouping the repository items. The User may click in the links (blue


fonts, Figure


4.1) in order to get access to each specific group. The number in the parenthesis indicates the amount of document available in each category.

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Figure 4.1. Subject categorization of the items in the document repository



When selecting one of the given categories, the screen shown



4.2 appears. First, the list of references can be exported in several different formats, selected from field 1, Figure


4.2, such as ASCII, BibTeX, HTML, just to name a few. The directory selected and its branches are displayed in field 2, Figure


4.2. The User may click in the links (blue text, Figure


4.1) in order to get access to each specific group. The number in the parenthesis indicates the amount of document available in each category. Field 3, Figure


4.2, shows the grouping mode of the items, i.e.


'Item Type






' (e.g. authors), etc. In


Field 4, Figure


4.2, the User may select among the different types of documents, appended after


'jump to


'. The items are classified according to this order and the User can be immediately transferred to a specific category by clicking on one of the links in field 4, Figure


4.2. Finally the User may select any of the items provided to the list (below


'Articles', in Figure


4.2), by clicking on the link indicated by blue text (e.g. the one shown in


Field 5, Figure



Access to the previous screen can be obtained after clicking on the "Up a level" tag, shown in the top left corner of Figure





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Figure 10.


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Figure 4.2. Details of Subject Areas->Methodology->Method and processing category.

Document summary

Each document in the repository (either found with search or browsing by category) has its own summary page, as displayed in Figure 5. The title, authors and information on the publication (Journal, issue, etc) is shown together with an abstract. The official DOI and URL


are also available (shown in the red


boxes, Figure


5), where the User may click in order to visit the official Journal website and download the selected article.


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Figure 5. Details of particular item stored in the Document Repository.

Proposing new publications

If you know of any publication that might be related to any of the AH Episodes or Applications provided by the EPISODES Platform and that could be added to the Document Repository, please use the Platform's contact form to send us DOI or a link to the publication.

Back to top

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Figure 11.

  •  Search Tool:For the "Advanced Search" see "Home Page" section ("Search Repository" paragraph) and Figures 6 and 7, in this chapter. This simple search tool is described here. It can be accessed by entering a term or terms in the empty field on the left side of "Search" tab shown in the right top corner of Figure 2 (indicated as "field 7"). Figure 12 demonstrates the Search engine results after request for the keyword "Niedzica". One results has been found and shown (field 4, Figure 12), along with some additional choices:


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Figure 12.

  • Field 1. The User may modify the present search or perform a new one by selecting "Refine search" or "New search", respectively.
  • Field 2. Select mode of sorting the results. The available options for setting the order of the results are available  after clicking on the small arrow, just before the "Reorder tab, and they are:  by year (ascending or descending), by author's name and by document title.
  • Field 3. The list of references can be exported in several different formats, selected from the small arrow just before "Export" tab, such as ASCII, BibTeX, HTML, just to name a few.
  • Field 4. The results of the search are shown in the screen. Clicking on the blue text in field 4, Figure 12, will lead to the screen similar with the one displayed in Figure 11.
  • Field 5. In the cases where the document is available, clicking on field 5, will download a .pdf copy of the respective material.   
