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The IS-EPOS document Repository is,.....

There are 3 different ways to access the IS-EPOS document Repository:

  • From the IS-EPOS web platform home page, by clicking on the "Documents" tag, as shown in the left frame of Figure 1 (indicated by a red box). The User has now entered the Home Page of the IS-EPOS document repository.
  • From any of the AH Episodes, by clicking on the "See more information in Document Repository", as indicated in the red box in the right frame of Figure 1. The User has now entered the selected Episode document repository base (Figure ...).
  • From any of the Services provided by the platform, by clicking on the link below "References" field, in the Service description pages (See "Test User Guide Services" chapter). The User has now entered the selected Service document repository base (Figure ...).

Figure 1.

IS-EPOS Documents web-page

Figure 2 demonstrates how the Document Repository web page looks like within the IS-EPOS platform. The "About" page is shown in Figure 2, containing contact information and useful links, that can be accessed by clicking on the text in blue fonts, found into the green boxes in Figure 2. The choices provided to the User, (tabs in red boxes, indicated by the numbers in Figure 2) are the following:

  1. Leads to the IS-EPOS web platform (TCS Portal).
  2. Leads to IS-EPOS Document Repository Home page (described in detail later on).
  3. Leads to IS-EPOS Document Repository Home page (described in detail later on).
  4. Leads to "Browse" page (described in detail later on).
  5. Leads to Login page, shown in Figure 3. The User has to enter his//hers Username and Password into the respective fields, in order to Login (blue tab in Figure 3) and obtain access to the IS-EPOS portal. Password can be reset, after clicking on the "reset" link indicated by blue text in Figure 3.
  6. Leads to Create Account page, where a new User may register in order to obtain access in more areas of the repository (Figure 4). This is a very quick process, requiring some basic data that the User enters in the fields shown in Figure 4. Once all the data have been inserted, the registration process is accomplished by clicking on the "register" tab (blue tab at the bottom of Figure 4).
  7. Search engine of the Repository. The User may enter any key word(s) in the empty field at the left of the "Search" tab, for getting a list with documents connected to these key words (described in detail later on).      

Figure 2.

Figure 3.


Figure 4.

The main pages of the Repository are now described in detail.

  • Home Page: The Home page of IS-EPOS documents, provides some choices to the User, shown in the large tabs of Figure 5. Each tab contains the link to the respective page (blue text in the top left corner of each tab, Figure 5) and a short description just below this link:
    • Latest Additions: This page provide a prompt access to the mostly recent items that have been added or updated since the last 7 days.
    • Search Repository: Grants access to the Advanced Search engine. The User may type in the search field at the top of the page for a quick search. Figure 6 shows some of the fields that the User may complete for getting access to the items he/she wishes. There are comprehensive instructions of how to fill the fields. These information can be shown/hidden after switch the small blue button at the right of each field from "?" to "-" and vice versa (Figure 6). The User may also select between "All of" Any of" the inserted terms, by clicking on the small arrow at the left of the filling space (Figure 6). The User by also select terms from specific lists as shown in Figure 7. He/she may tick box(es) shown in the red frames of Figure 7, corresponding to the terms written next to those boxes. Additional filtering can be applied by clicking on the arrows shown in the green frames of Figure 7. Instructions for completing the required fields is always provided after clicking on the question mark tab (blue "?" symbol), at the right hand side of each tab (Figure 7). After all input data have been set, the user may either click on the "Search" button to commit searching , or on the "Reset the form" button to clear all the selected fields (these two buttons are shown at the bottom of Figure 7 - blue buttons).    
    • Browse Repository: This page provides an alternative Search tool, which provides specific categories of items. Can also be accessed by "Browse" tag in the Main page, as shown in Figure 1 (field 4). Detailed description of this page is given right below.
    • About this Repository: Leads to the page displayed in Figure 2.
    • Repository Policies: This page provides information on the use of material stored in the repository.

Figure 5.

Figure 6.


Figure 7.


  • Browse Page: The "Browse" page gives the opportunity to the User to perform a special searching in the repository, by selecting specific categories comprising several fields (Figure 8). These categories are:

Figure 8.


  • Year:


  • No labels