This document contains instructions for running application Catalog Editor within the EPISODES Platform. The application allows visualization of a histogram of GDF data correlated with seismic activity from a Catalog file.

To obtain more general information about working with applications within the Platform, see Applications Quick Start Guide.

CATEGORY Visualizations

KEYWORDS Episode-oriented graphics, Episode visualization, GDF data visualization, Production data visualization

CITATION If you use the results or visualizations retrieved from this application in a publication, then you must cite the data source as follows:
Orlecka-Sikora, B., Lasocki, S., Kocot, J. et al. (2020) An open data infrastructure for the study of anthropogenic hazards linked to georesource exploitation., Sci Data 7, 89, doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-0429-3.

Input file specification

The application requires two types of files (one file per each type) - see Figure 1:

The files can be found within the platform's Episodes data (see AH Episodes quick start guide), uploaded to the workspace or obtained with one of Converters, specifically CSV to Catalog converter and CSV to GDF converter.

Figure 1. Application input files specification


Since the application is a direct visualization, it does not require running (see also Applications user guide), the results will become visible/updated right after the input files are added/changed.

The visualization shows a histogram of seismic activity correlated with the supplied industrial data. If the GDF file contains more than one parameter (apart from the time/date information), the choice of the parameter is available from the drop-down menu (marked with (1) in Figure 2, options shown in Figure 3). In case the file contains only one parameter, this menu is not visible and the parameter is displayed automatically on the plot. Histogram may be also plotted in a cumulated version - choose from drop-down menu marked with (2) in Figure 2. It can also be configured with the step setting (marked with (3) in Figure 2) - to apply the change of the step, press the OK button. In case logarithmic scale is more convenient to see the histogram, use the relevant option at the bottom of the plot (marked with (4) in Figure 2).

Figure 2. Produced visualization with configuration options marked

Figure 3. Parameter choice

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